A few words about us
Zois Marine is a prototype unit which created for secured parking of your boat. As well, we offer all the services that can make your avocation with boats a lot easier and a lot advantageous. From parking and storage, to supervision of the excellent condition and maintenance of your boat Zois Marine is the perfect solution for you. We guarantee that you will enjoy your boat like never before based on our specialized staff, experience and the love for our job, with excellent organization, special equipment and also with an organized partner network.
In our 12.000 square meter facilities we have over 200 covered parking spaces with electricity and water and all the necessary precautionary measures, a workshop with very experienced staff that specialized in outboards and can handle every need of your boat like annual maintenance, outboard installations, major engine repairs, troubleshooting, electrical installations etc. We provide also other major services like anti-fouling, hull cleaning and polishing and transportation to the launch ramp. Our goal is to make your avocation with your boat as easy as possible so don’t waste time, contact us and let us do the rest..